
For inquiries about our products, services, company or business operations,
fill out the form below and send it to us. *While we may not always be able to answer you right away depending on the nature of the inquiry and our schedule.
Your inquiry is important to us and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

↓For New Graduates↓

Please kindly take a look at our FAQ below or contact us if you have additional questions.
Where is Ousei’s office located in?
→ Our office is headquartered in Osaka, Japan. And our branches are located in the United States, Europe, and Hong Kong.
Where does Ousei collect materials from?
→Mainly from North America, Europe, Asia, but also Oceania and the Middle East.
Is it possible to ship from a non-OECD member country?
→If the country where shipment is loaded need to conclude Basel Convention, you have to process for Basel Convention before loading.
However, if the country doesn’t need to conclude Basel Convention, you are allowed to load without this procedure.
Does Ousei have any license?
→It depends on the smelters. In case of Japanese smelters, there is no special permit or license required when it comes to import PCB scraps. We are able to provide Import permit which issued on Customs Clearance.
Do we have to shred the raw materials?
→Low Grade materials need to be shredded.
Low Grade materials, such as CRT boards and TV Monitors, contain a lot of iron and aluminum, which is likely to be lower-quality than your expectations and also we do not want to cause misunderstanding.
But Motherboards and Modem Boards have no problem even if its are not shredded.
Does Ousei buy materials with the fixed price, not refinery business?
→Our payment is based on the analysis result from the smelter.
Does Ousei have price list?
→We have a price list, but it is just for your reference. The prices are subject to change according to the materials. Our payment is based on the assay result from the smelter. If you have estimated assay numbers for your materials, we can calculate the estimated final value with the calculation sheet.
How long does it take to make payment?
→It depends on the smelters, in general, we can report the analysis results within 45-100 days if it is smelter in Japan and within 70 days in case of EU.
Does Ousei/smelter evaluate for Iron and Aluminum?
→The smelter does not evaluate for Iron and Aluminum. They evaluate for only Au, Ag, Cu, Pd.
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